Second term test
Dear LS students, the answers to the second term test questions are attached below. Second term test-answer key
Second term test-answer key
Insulin's effect
Hyperglycemia and insulin’s effects Hypoglycemia and glucagon’s effect
Answers to the extra problem (glycemia)
Here’s the boringly detailed answer to the extra problem. Asnwers to Glycemia Extra problem
Asnwers to Glycemia Extra problem
Extra problem-Regulation of glycemia
Dear LS students, this is the extra problem we discussed in class a short while ago. click the link below to download it. extra problem glycemia
extra problem glycemia
Your homework for Wednesday, February 26, is the following: Search for the following two medicinal drugs: 1- Glucophage 2- Galvus-met Write their mode of action and the possible side effects/complications they can provoke. We will discuss them in class tomorrow. Have a nice evening.
summary of the specific immune response's steps
Here’s a summary of the specific immune response steps. Enjoy! Download by clicking here