Glycemia test grades and remarks

First question -part a : 2 points out of 2.

part b: 2 points out of 2.

part c: 2 points out of 3. (there is no hormone by the name of adrelanine, Ahmad!)

part d: 2 out of 2.

You did well in this first question.

Second question

part a: 3 points out of 3 (graph)

part b : 0.75 out of 1 point.

Third question

part a: zero (you didn’t memorize the forms of storage of glucose in the body)

part b:1 out of 2, mentioning glucose-6-phosphatase in particular is a must.

part c: zero out of 3 points (the hypothalamus increases glycemia via adrenalin, not glucagon)

part d: 2 out of 2

Question 4

8 out of 10



If anyone is still awake, just comment on this post and I’ll give your paper priority.

Ok, Omar’s paper next.

First Question

part a: 1 out of 2

part b: 2 out of 2 (well said)

part c: 3 out of 3

part d : 2 out of 2

Second question

part a : 3 out of 3

part b: 1 out of 1

Question Three

part a: zero (glucose is not stored in he form of proteins or fatty acids)

part b: 2 out of 2

part c: Zero (GH is not secreted in response to hypoglycemia)

part d: 2 out of 2

Question four: 6 out of ten


It’s 1:44 am now, I will stop correcting papers unless someone is still awake waiting for his paper 🙂 if you happen to be waiting your turn, comment on this post and I’ll correct your paper before going to sleep.

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