Flash CS4 released, or is it?

As a flash expert and enthusiast, I was thrilled when the release of the new Flash CS4 was announced. Like thousands of other flash coders, I went through the pain of downloading the trial version of Flash CS4 (almost one gigabyte large) just to find that the help files and API documentation were simply not …

Flash CS4 new features

Adobe recently announced Flash CS4, with great new features the flash community has been asking for, I had the chance the see the full package and I was impressed of the implementation of inverse kinematics, reminded me of moho’s (now anime studio) bones layers although moho’s offered much more options and flexibility, flash’s implementation is …

A quick way to detect Idleing in flash actionscript 2

So I had this customer who asked me to do an flv player for his site, he wanted the controls of the player to fade out when the user is idle, now flash does not have an onIdle event of any kind and the only way around this was to trigger a signal when the …

Flash player 10 and RTL support

Big news, flash player 10 beta supports complex text layouts and namely support for RTL languages like Arabic! At last, more info here : http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/demos/videos/text.html There are many other features added like CPU surfacing and GPU compositing as well as enhanced drawing API and native 3D support yet the RTL support is something we’ve been …

Left trim and right trim actionScript functions

Left trim and right trim actionScript functions These useful functions (lTrim and rTrim) are available in almost all programming languages yet not in actionScript, so here’s how to write ones yourself: lTrim is easier, so we’ll start with that: [as] function lTrim(txt:String):String { while (txt.charAt(0)==” ” ||txt.charAt(0)==”\t” || txt.charAt(0)==”\n” || txt.charAt(0)==”\r” ) { txt=txt.substring(1,txt.length-1); } …

One More reason to hate Microsoft!

Like many of you outlook express users, I got an email today informing me that outlook express will no longer be able to access hotmail accounts beyond June 30 because the geniuses at Microsoft have invented what they think is a better protocol and outlook doesn’t support it so they had to come up with …

actionScript AS2 (typewriter) text effect

I needed a typewriter text effect with a twist for an mp3 player I was making, looked around and could not find one that suits my needs so I wrote this class, should do the job. [as] /* @author = Wassim Sidani @www.sidani.info usage example: var tE:TxtEff=new TxtEff(textFieldInstance, textToWrite, delay); textFieldInstance= a reference to a …